Thursday, March 22, 2007

...TA DA...

I'm not sure if I have any readers left, but I thought I'd give it a shot and see if anyone still checks this thing!!

As most of you know...I have decided to MOVE...yep! I'm moving!!

Pretty sure I could win the "Longest Apartment Renter" award! I've been living in the same apartment for NINE years! Who does that? Obviously I'm not real big on change!!

Looking back alot has changed for me in the past 9 years. When I moved to Fairwood I was with Chris. (Pharoah's Dad) When we broke up I made the decision to stay in my apartment and attempt to live alone. I know being alone sounds good to all you parents and married couples, but the thought of waking up, coming home and going to bed with NO ONE around...was a scary thought for me!!
I had many sleepless nights hearing every noise, and for some reason when you live alone ALL noises sound like someone is breaking in! time went on I got used to it and even started to enjoy being alone. The best part about our family is that I was never really alone. I think my Mom, Karen, Dena, Carleena and Ronda set up a schedule to call and check on me and of course invite me to dinner!!!

In the past 9 years I've learned so much about myself...good and bad!
I've learned that being hard headed isn't noticed as much when your fighting with yourself!
I've learned that I really can be independent and single and still be happy.
I've learned that no matter who your best friend is, they can also be your worst enemy.
I’ve learned that the picture perfect life that I once wanted and thought I would have…might not be the perfect life for me.
I’ve learned that being single still doesn’t make me a morning person.
I’ve learned that I need a washer and dryer! (yep! Lived 9 years w/o)
I’ve learned that being disappointed in myself is ok as long as I’m proud of myself too!
I’ve learned that I wouldn’t be who or where I am today without my family and friends!
I’ve learned that I’m a hard worker and a good employee.
I’ve learned that its way too easy to be lazy when you live alone!
I’ve learned SO much and SO many things have changed, but I wanted to list a few!
The most important thing I’ve learned is that I am blessed to have my family and I want to make sure all of you know that I LOVE YOU. No matter what decisions I make or what direction my life is going, I know that I always have someone to turn to. (and if one family member is going to say something I don’t want to hear…I’ll just call the next one!!) We have our ups and downs just like everyone else, but when it comes down to it…our family is one of a kind!

(really I had no idea this was going to end up so long!)

As I sit here packing up boxes and trying to decide what to throw away and what to keep, I am reminded of the memories I have with each of you….and I’m glad I don’t have to pack all of them…or throw them away! I get to keep them forever...

SO…as I was saying…way back at the top of the page….

I’m MOVING!! I will be renting a townhouse off of Maple Valley highway, close to my parents, sister and work! It has 2 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, upstairs and downstairs…and a washer and dryer!! It even has a garage…1150 sq feet! I can’t wait!! It’s like a real home…with a NEW ADDRESS …so Kris go ahead and start sending me things again!!

My whole point of this damn BLOG was to let everyone know I’m moving and now look….I ended up writing a biography!

Here is a link to what my new place looks like…this isn’t my actual unit but I will have the same setup!!

I won’t waste anymore of your time….besides I think my Mom is probably the only one who read this far…..

Thanks for letting me share and thanks for being part of my life!!


Katie said...

i read the whole thing too...i loved it. well done. you have a nice writing style and i can even hear your voice when i read it :)

love the new pokadot layout too.

have fun moving!!!!


Carlie,Kris,Aaron,Gracie said...

That is great ~ good for you. Sometimes I think a Townhouse or Condo would be much easier than a house!! When I have the address I'll have to mail you something just to give the USPS a test!!

Carleena said...

FINALLY - I usually check once a week just incase there was an update... It is much easier huh? I can't for your move... We are going to have so much fun. Finding ways to entertain ourselves without spending $$. I learned these past years that our family is truly the BEST. We are very lucky! I will see you tonight....

nadinehayes said...

congrats on your upcoming move. looks like this house won't need a painting party. It's beautiful. I can't wait for an address that might actually deliver you mail. yahoo!