Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Just wondering...

What happen to manners? Being polite? Common courtesy?

I can't remember exactly where I was or who taught me, but I KNOW how to act and react in different situations. (ok...well at least some!)

For instance:
-When your driving and someone slows down to let you in...WAVE! You don't have to blow kisses or anything just a quick arm stretch.... When did this stop?

I understand everyone is in a hurry, but you ass....I just slowed down and added time to my commute, so you could get where your going...and then NO wave!!
What the hell? I swear if I had a "fast fwd" button, I'd push it BEFORE I let anyone over, and if they didn't wave...I'd drive right next to them for the next 5 miles, so they could never get over!! (waving the entire time!)

-When your walking out of 7-11 and someone is less then 5 feet behind you.....HOLD THE DAMN DOOR!! You don't have to lay your coat over the puddle, just give the door an extra push so it doesn't slam in MY face!!

-When you've been assigned to pick up coffee for the office in the morning....GO IN AND ORDER!! I can see ordering 1-3 drinks in the Starbucks drive thru BUT not 3 trays...that is 12 freaking drinks!! Do you have any idea how cold my $5 coffee is going to be!!

-I enjoy alot of different types of music, and I love rock'n out in my car just like everyone else.....but please keep your bumping tunes in your own damn Honda!! I already have to turn up my stereo at every stop light so I don't have to hear the "racing Honda hum/squeal".....I shouldn't have to risk blowing my speakers just because you decided to put yours in the trunk! (next to the nitrous tanks.....)

Any idea what happened? Why do we have more manners, act polite, and have some sort of common courtesy? I guess we don't need to nowadays!!

I just thought of something......It's the damn purple dinosaur.....kids these days didn't watch Barney and Baby Bop!!


Carlie,Kris,Aaron,Gracie said...

Cheers to ALL of that. Nothing pisses me off more than the "no wave". Puts me in a bad mood immediately. And what about when you DO open or hold a door for someone and they don't acknowledge it with a "thanks". If they don't I always say....."your welcome" just a bit bitchy. Not that it matters - they don't care.

I do have to brag a little -- Gracie can be bossy, overbearing, stubborn -- all those things, but the daycare told me recently that she has the BEST MANNERS. Gotta love the compliment and at least our family will teach our kiddos right!

Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

Where you learned them is from ME!!
Don't you remember the slap on the back of the head when you didn't say thank you, Or the pinch of your arm when you walked in front of someone it the store and didn't say excuse me! (I think you still do that ) I need to shop with you so I can pinch your arm again..
I must agree not holding the door really ticks me off..When you get my age it should just be a normal thing to do for the old Lady.. Sometimes men are the worse..

Presca Lynn said...

Right. Manners......I think it should be a madatory subject in schools!

Katie said...

amen sister!