Wednesday, April 18, 2007

32 People...(YES! I wrote this...)

Sunday night 32 people went to bed.

Monday morning the same 32 people woke up, got ready, and started their day.

Those 32 people didn't know they just lived their last weekend.

They kissed their spouses, children and other loved ones for the last time.

When their alarm went off on Monday morning, they had no way of knowing it would be their last wake up call.

32 people started their day just like any other day. I'm sure some had grudges they were holding onto, some had unnecessary arguments the night before and some were stressing out about their lives.

Others were in LOVE for the first time, just welcomed a new baby into this world, newlyweds for the first time, grandma's and grandpa's, aunts and uncles....brothers, sisters, friends, and co-workers.......

32 people didn't know they were running out of time to forgive their friends, thank their co-workers, say their sorry and make sure everyone they love...knew it!!

Think about this-

If those 32 people knew it was their last Monday morning, I bet hearing their alarm go off would've been OK. The traffic probably wouldn't have been a big deal. Staying up all night with a sick child would have been a blessing. Arguing with their spouse about money wouldn't have been an issue.
They would have laughed more, their kisses would have meant more, their hugs would have been more intense.....if they only knew it was their last Monday morning, think of all the things they would have done, or could have avoided, or should have ignored....

We were blessed, this could have been any of, you, a neighbor, your cousin, mother, sister....ANYONE!

So I want to take a moment to make sure that everyone in my life knows they are there for a reason.

I LOVE all of you in some special way. I am SORRY for any pain or tears I've caused you. I hope you FORGIVE me for my faults, cause I forgive you.
I want to THANK each of you for being in my life.
I know at times I don't see eye to eye with some of you, but when it comes down to it....does it matter?

If I woke up Monday for the last time I hope all of you would have a Heather memory that made you smile, a thought that made you laugh out loud, and most of all remember me for my kind heart....not my "strong" head.


32 people...
-Ross Abdallah Alameddin
-Christopher James-
-Brian Bluhm
-Michael Marshall
-Ryan Clark
-Austin Cloyd
-Jocelyne Couture
-Daniel Perez Cueva
-Caitlin Hammaren
-Jeremy Herbstritt
-Rachael Elizabeth Hill
-Emily Jane Hilscher
-Matt La Porte
-Henry Lee
-Prof. Liviu Librescu
-Prof. G.V. Loganathan
-Partahi Lumbantoruan
-Lauren McCain
-Daniel O'Neil
-Juan Ortiz
-Minal Panchal
-Erin Peterson
-Michael Pohle
-Julia Pryde
-Mary Karen Read
-Reema Samaha
-Leslie Sherman
-Maxine Turner
-Nicole White
-Jarrett Lane

If they only knew...think of all the things they would have done different before they left!!


Carlie,Kris,Aaron,Gracie said...

Isn't it a shame that it always seems to take a tragedy for us to not take life, family, friend for granted? This was a good reminder. Thanks for sharing.

Katie said...

Oh man I love this post! And seriously a great way to say it. Well done. It's hard to imagine what their families are going thru right now and I pray I'll never have to know.

Love ya!

Heather said...

I couldn't sleep last night, so I ended up watching the 3am was their family members and friends talking about their last few moments and thier last conversations!! It took about 2 mins for me to be in tears!! It just REALLY got me just never know!!!!

Glad you liked it....

And just know that I LOVE YOU =0)

Anonymous said...

Good job Heather!!
I knew I raised you right!!
I too love you all. I think the best way to look at all of this is look at yourself and say "what's in my heart"? If you can't forgive than you really can't love. Really it is all connected.
So if there is someone you haven't forgiven or you need forgiveness from..It might be time to think about it..We really don't know what could happen at any time!!
I love all of you and hugs for all!!

Carleena said...

Heather - I am not suppose to cry at work! Maybe you missed your calling. I think you should be a writer... Good Job - Something like this tragedy always makes you stop and think about what is really important... Love you all -

Presca Lynn said...

You sure brought tears to my eyes. You just said what everybody is thinking! It is so true. Really every day is taken for granted & it takes something so horrible to see how lucky & blessed we really are! :)
Thanks for this post!

Anonymous said...

Heather you captured this one... My first thought when I heard about this tragedy was of the 32 moms that just heard the same news "where is my son or daughter." I can not begin to image the rush of emotions that went through their head at that moment and as they sit on the other end of the phone praying to hear their child's voice answer on the other end. Thanks for keeping us all in check and reminding us that life is too short for petty misunderstandings. And YES I have many memories that would make me smile and think of you as my strong headed friend that would go out of her way for any one of us! Thanks Heather for being you! Stacy ;-)

Anonymous said...

I sent this out to some of my friends. They all think you copied and pasted it.. You need to let everyone know you did write it...
You really did do a great job!!

Anonymous said...

I put the 32 people on my lupus board.....this is from a lady who is 67 and has had lupus for over 30 years...

A thought-provoking essay that shows a depth and maturity that I didn't see anywhere in the media all last week! You don't say your daughter's age, but at any age it's good. Hopefully, you'll send it in to your local paper or some other media source. It's too good not to share. Be proud!

Heather just thought you would like to see this!!!

Anonymous said...

I was in Detroit for the fifth time since January, taking care of a friend with cancer...who until Jan..I had not actually seen in 37 years....I'll admit I barely noticed this story on the my sweet friend died..leaving a 17 yr old daughter with no parent to live with, no siblings, just 80 yr old grandparents...but you are so right...I feel like I wish there were a 1,000 hours in each day now, and not just a mere 24 !!!!
Smile more...laugh more.
Thanks Heather....PSSSS I really thought I would be on the list !!!
Love, Lu

Anonymous said...

I sent this to the Voice of the Valley..our newspaper in Maple Valley..Well they printed and it's in today's paper..Only thing is they don't say you wrote it..Looks like the editor did!
I called and left them a message asking why they left your name out!!
But you are now a published writer!!