Thursday, June 07, 2007

Codes you might need to know....

20 Internet Acronyms Every Parent Should Know

  1. POS - Parent Over Shoulder

  2. PIR - Parent In Room

  3. P911 - Parent Alert

  4. PAW - Parents Are Watching

  5. PAL - Parents Are Listening

  6. ASL - Age/Sex/Location

  7. MorF - Male or Female

  8. SorG - Straight or Gay

  9. LMIRL - Let's Meet In Real Life

  10. KPC - Keeping Parents Clueless

  11. TDTM - Talk Dirty To Me

  12. IWSN - I Want Sex Now

  13. NIFOC - Nude In Front Of Computer

  14. GYPO - Get Your Pants Off

  15. ADR - Address

  16. WYCM - Will You Call Me?

  17. KFY - Kiss For You

  18. MOOS - Member(s) Of the Opposite Sex

  19. MOSS or MOTSS - Member(s) Of The Same Sex

  20. NALOPKT - Not A Lot Of People Know That

Plus 50 More Internet Acronyms Every Parent Should Know:

  1. 2NITE - Tonight

  2. AEAP - As Early As Possible

  3. ALAP - As Late As Possible

  4. AWGTHTGTTA - Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again

  5. B4YKI - Before You Know It

  6. BOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes Again

  7. BRB - Be Right Back

  8. BRT - Be Right There

  9. CWYL - Chat With You Later

  10. C-P - Sleepy

  11. CYT or SYT - See You Tomorrow

  12. E123 - Easy as 1, 2, 3

  13. EM? - Excuse Me?

  14. EOD - End Of Day

  15. F2F - Face To Face

  16. FOAF - Friend Of A Friend

  17. HAK - Hugs And Kisses

  18. ILU or ILY - I Love You

  19. IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion

  20. J/C - Just Checking

  21. KOTL - Kiss On The Lips

  22. L8R - Later

  23. LD - Long Distance

  24. LMK - Let Me Know

  25. LOL - Laugh Out Loud

  26. NAZ - Name, Address, Zip

  27. N-A-Y-L - In A While

  28. NM - Never Mind or Nothing Much

  29. OLL - Online Love

  30. OSIF - Oh Sh** I Forgot

  31. OTP - On The Phone

  32. QT - Cutie

  33. RN - Right Now

  34. ROTFL - Rolling on the Floor Laughing

  35. RU - Are You...?

  36. RUMORF - Are You Male Or Female

  37. SITD - Still In The Dark

  38. SMIM - Send Me an Instant Message

  39. SMEM - Send Me an E-Mail

  40. SO - Significant Other

  41. SOHF - Sense of Humor Failure

  42. SWDYT - So What Do You Think?

  43. TOM - Tomorrow

  44. TS - Tough Sh**

  45. TTFN - Ta-ta for Now

  46. U-R - You Are..?

  47. WFM - Works For Me

  48. WTH - What the Heck

  49. WUF - Where Are You From?

  50. WYRN - What's Your Real Name?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad all mine are grown..Way to much to remember!!
Did you tell your Boss that I'm at it again..Vacation, vacation,
at least I always give lots of notice..

Carleena said...

How am I going to remember all of those?????

Heather said...

Mom- I don't think I can turn in vacation days 3 years in advance...but I'll let them know next year!!

Carleena- don't worry...I'm all over it =0)